
Healthy Lifestyle Advice

Houseplants that Purify the Air
Home Life, Lifestyle

Houseplants that Purify the Air

Since many of us have been quarantined at home, I want us to look at some houseplants that purify the air. These NASA recommended indoor plants clean the air in your home and remove toxins. These are the best air purifying indoor plants and only require low light to thrive.

Carbohydrates, Good or Bad?
Lifestyle, Nutrition

Carbohydrates: Good or Bad?

Most people are confused about whether carbohydrates are good or bad for you. With the popular low-carb diets over the last few decades, what is the real truth? I’m going to break through all the trends and hoopla and get to the truth of the matter right now!

Soybean Healthy or Not?
Lifestyle, Nutrition

Soybean Healthy or Not? Should You Eat Soy?

Is the soybean healthy or not? Most doctors agree that fermented soy products are healthy, such as tempeh, miso, tamari, natto, and soy yogurt, but what about other soy products, such as soybeans, soy milk, tofu, and edamame? The answer is both simple and complicated. Let’s get started right now!

12 Benefits of Miso Soup
Lifestyle, Nutrition

12 Benefits of Miso Soup

Most of us have seen or tasted miso soup in a restaurant, but we probably never realized the incredible health benefits of this underappreciated appetizer. In this blog, I’m going to give you twelve benefits of eating miso soup. The fermentation process creates raw enzymes and probiotics that will skyrocket our health. In fact, miso is the superfood of fermented foods!

Your Gut Microbiome, the Second Brain
Lifestyle, Nutrition

Your Gut Microbiome, the Second Brain

So, what is the gut microbiome and how is it literally our second brain? In this blog, I will define the gut microbiome and focus on how we can make it healthy to increase our immunity. I will also discuss other ways it affects our health and what foods we can eat to feed it properly, as well as foods that hurt it and make us sick without us even realizing why.

Is Sunshine the Best Way to Get Vitamin D?
Lifestyle, Nutrition

Is Sunshine the Best Way to Get Vitamin D?

Is sunshine really the best way to get vitamin D? We just recently vacationed in Florida. I noticed the great amount of sunscreen being lathered or sprayed on to avoid sunburn, as well as those hiding beneath tents and umbrellas. What should we really be doing to get this vital nutrient naturally?